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Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Do Talk About Yourself
Von zxc123, 04:28

This is often the hardest part when you are deciding to approach a girl. If you are serious about how to learn how to charm girls, you need to take this tip to heart. You must gauge a girl's interest first before approaching her, or you will end up feeling rejected. Whether she is across the room or sitting beside you in class, you can gauge her interest through eye contact. With a look that lasts slightly longer than a glance, you will portray your interest. If she is interested in return, she will return a similar longer glance. This may occur two or three times, at which point you can be sure she wants you to approach.

Close the Distance

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Now you need to initiate a conversation, so obviously the next step is to get closer to her, if you are not already nearby. But, ensure you do not invade her personal space too soon. Keep a few feet of space between the two of you but use your body language to show you are interested and relaxed. When you need to learn how to charm girls, you must approach her in a non-threatening way.

Strike up that Conversation

Start with a simple greeting that gets the conversation started. Because you approached her, though, you will need to have a good idea of what you would like to chat about. State something interesting and refreshing first and follow up with a question. This will allow her a chance to respond and hopefully a natural progression into conversation will take place.

Keep the Conversation Light

Your intentions have been clear already from the glance and your approach, so keep your conversation light and organic. Do not delve into deep topics or state anything that could offend her. You do not yet know this girl so you need to be both interesting and generic in your approach. To learn to charm girls you must learn to initiate and carry a general conversation that is sprinkled with minor probing questions.

While you definitely do not want to do all the talking and only speak about your own interests or accomplishments, you do want to share some information about yourself. Keep these pieces of information simple so that the girl knows you are serious and that you are willing to reciprocate in the interaction. Try to associate one of her responses with something you have experienced and then end with another question for her. When you learn how to charm girls, you learn that it is very important to maintain an equal balance between both parties' involvement.

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